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Path Configuration

Building on the overview of path configuration, here’s an example for an iOS app.

"settings": {},
"rules": [
"patterns": [
"properties": {
"context": "default",
"pull_to_refresh_enabled": true
"patterns": [
"properties": {
"context": "modal",
"pull_to_refresh_enabled": false

This configuration does two things:

  1. Sets all URL path patterns with pull-to-refresh enabled.
  2. Overrides URL path patterns ending in /new to be presented as a modal with pull-to-refresh disabled. It is helpful to disable pull-to-refresh in modals so it doesn’t interfere with the dismiss gesture or clear form data that a user may have entered.


Path configuration has an array of sources. You can configure the source to be a locally bundled file, a remote file available from your server, or both. We recommend always including a bundled version even when loading remotely, so it will be available in case your app is offline.

Set up your path configuration in AppDelegate.swift. This ensures that Hotwire is configured before the first URL is routed.

import HotwireNative
import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let localPathConfigURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "path-configuration", withExtension: "json")!
let remotePathConfigURL = URL(string: "")!

Hotwire.loadPathConfiguration(from: [

return true

If you provide both a file and a server location, the path configuration will be loaded asynchronously in the following order:

  1. The local file bundled with your app.
  2. A locally cached copy of the server configuration (if a successful download occurred on a previous app launch).
  3. A newly downloaded copy of the server configuration. (Once this has downloaded successfully, it will be cached and used in step 2 on the next app launch.)

Query String Matching

By default, path patterns match against the path component and query string of the URL.

To ensure the order of query string parameters don’t affect matching, a wildcard .* before and after the match is recommended, like so:

  "patterns": [".*\\?.*foo=bar.*"],
  "properties": {
    "foo": "bar"

Disable query string matching via:

Hotwire.config.pathConfiguration.matchQueryStrings = false

The path configuration reference provides more information, including all the behavior Hotwire Native provides out of the box.

Next: Bridge Components