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The Navigator is the central coordinator in a Hotwire Native Android application. Each NavigatorHost in your Activity maintains a Navigator instance, which manages the stack of HotwireFragment screens with a single, shared WebView instance. It lets your app choose how to handle link taps, present new screens, and deal with errors.

Custom WebView

You can customize and subclass the HotwireWebView class to provide custom behaviors in your app:

Hotwire.config.makeCustomWebView = { context ->
MyCustomWebView(context, null)

Handling URL routes

By default, all external urls outside of your app’s domain are opened in the default browser on the device. This is easily customizable, though. Out-of-the-box, Hotwire Native provides three route decision handlers for you to use to control how urls are routed:

If you’d like to customize this behavior, it’s easy to do. For example, if you’d like to route external urls to Custom Tabs instead of the default browser, you can register the relevant decision handlers in order of importance:


You can also implement your own Router.RouteDecisionHandler classes and register them the same way.

Custom HTML data attributes